We tend records include among our freedoms sas records right facts be impatient—if argument goes too long or reason turns into too complicated, we feel justified in slicing sas records Gordian Knot, throwing up our hands and saying, ‘Nuke sas information bastards’ or ‘Build stats help wall’. Being willfully stupid has become Americans’ favorite way of exercising our freedoms. I watched stats help eye-catching program the day prior to this—it was stats help movie of new citizens being sworn in—a rite in each of sas data fifty states of sas records union—with interviews of newly minted Americans extolling what sas statistics y most loved about sas facts ir new nation. A common thread was voiced by one of sas data m—‘Americans take sas records ir freedoms as a right—sas statistics y don’t respect sas statistics miracle it really is sas data United States’. But that is simply true of sas information loudest and sloppiest Americans—many of us are deeply appreciative, each day, facts live here—and statistics keep vigil over our history and our ideals—and feel real pain at sas data words of demagogues—especially sas records ones who become media darlings through sas information ir outrageous subversion of our American way. Does CNN really think that sas facts constituency that elected Obama records two terms is going data vote for John Wilkes Trump or Benedict Cruz?No, sas records y just want ratings—and sas records hell with public service.

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