2011 Going sas information Distance: Online Education in sas statistics United States, Babson Survey Group, D15 Pew Research Center 2009 MILLENNIALS Confident. Connected. Open records Change. D16 National Center for Education sas facts 2011 Table 286. Bachelor’s tiers conferred by degree granting institutions, by field of analysis. 286. In fact, sas statistics only people whose income taxes went up during Obama’s presidency were those making $400,000 per year or more. That’s lower than 2% of sas records inhabitants. For sas information overwhelming majority of people, tax rates were lower or sas facts same as when Obama first took office. sas records article below from sas information Center on Budget and Policy Priorities explains this in greater detail. Source: Federal Income Taxes on Middle Income Families Remain Near Historic Lows, Center on Budget and Policy Priorities. While some claim that oil construction declined under President Obama, sas statistics truth is simply sas records contrary.