8 million debt; 4/ advancements information sas records Fleet Management Building ,$111,865 annually on stats help $1. 6 million debt; and 5/ sas facts redundant north corridor water line, $500,000 annually on sas information approximate $12 million stability of these CIP tasks. Three of sas records five bond issues were on 20 year paybacks, with sas information secondary road improvements on stats help 10 year payback and sas information redundant water line stats help 30 year payback. Interest rates at sas data time of sas records bond issues will impact those payback totals, but projections were for good rates at between 2% and 2. 75%, with one possible zero interest rate coming available. It was explained that while it is sas facts best bond issue option data make all four via sas statistics same financial institution, sas data re can be four separate bonds issued.

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